Terms & Conditions


We appreciate the efforts of all our users in visiting this website, which is solely the property of VogueTonic. Below is a detailed discussion regarding the terms and conditions of usage of this website.

By sharing your agreement to use this website or any other websites associated with VogueTonic, with its group of companies, or with any of its servers, or else otherwise by accessing any of the functions of this website, or the functions that may be available on any of its servers or other associated websites, including without limitation, any and all sorts of chats, bulletin boards, forums, or any other means of communication, shall be subjected to the following terms and conditions, or any other terms and conditions that may be available on this website or that may be presented through this website or any other website associated to VogueTonic.

All and any financial statements of VogueTonic are prepared solely for the purpose of and in complete accordance with the applicable UK law, while keeping in notice all the terms and requirements of the UK listing standards, and in relation to the UK GAAP (Generally accepted accounting practice).


The copyright of all the content and material that may be made available on or through this website, or any other websites that may be associated with VogueTonic, or with any of its group of companies, or else otherwise with any of its servers, excluding any content that is further explained in paragraph 3 of these terms and conditions, yet including all other information or any containment material contained or available in the form of text, music, videos, audios, voices, info graphics, images, another material or content along with their selection and arrangement, while including all the source code, software compilations, and otherwise all material lies completely under the ownership of VogueTonic, or any other websites that may be associated to it or any of its group of companies.

Any user or users do not possess any right to any of the material or content unless otherwise it is expressly indicated while making sure that all user rights are reserved. Each and every trademark, logo, or service mark available on or through this website or any other website associated with VogueTonic or with any of its group of companies are servers officially licensed and completely owned by VogueTonic and any of its companies. As mentioned as expressly stated, any user does not possess any right to edit, modify, use, publish, display, transmit, distribute, vary, reproduce, disseminate, publish, or commercially exploited these particular trademarks Without the availability of prior notice or consent whether by VogueTonic or any of its group of companies.


It is clearly stated that this website, or other websites associated with VogueTonic, or with its group of companies, or else any other associated servers may include links to the third-party websites, or may feature services and products from third parties, or else otherwise may include links of websites that may contain third party products and services. VogueTonic however, denies possessing any hold or control over these third parties, or any of the services and products featured on these third-party websites.

Keeping in mind that, VogueTonic will hold no responsibility in any condition or any kind of endorsement in relation to these services and products, or reference to any third party websites, or else otherwise the will availability of its contents.

Further stating that VogueTonic will not be held liable for any sort of understanding or any kind of agreement that the user may enter into through a third-party website or in relation to third-party products and services. Because VogueTonic has the prime goal to possess unbiased editorials, we wish to disclose to our users that:

(i)    We are occasionally delivered with free third-party products and services from marketers that we may discuss, display, or review in any of our editorials we may tend to run different advertisements on the official website of VogueTonic or any other associated websites or servers regarding these products and services, or regarding the companies that sell them, or else related to any other services and products sold by such companies, for which our company may receive compensation.

(ii)    We may prefer selling some of these products and services on any of our websites or stores, or else associated servers

(iii)    We may share affiliate links to third-party services and products on our websites or on any other associated websites for which we may receive a compensation

Mentioning that VogueTonic is an official participant in a variety of affiliate marketing programs. For instance, we have been regularly participating in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is a popular and beneficial affiliate advertising program mainly projected to help sites earn advertising fees on different products and services by featuring them and advertising their links on Amazon.com.


Users share their agreement and acknowledgment regarding all the downloads which they access on or through this website, that,

(i)    User owns a right of license related to such downloads, does not possess any kind of intellectual property rights regarding such downloads, and his/her use of such download shall be entirely subjected to an applicable end user agreement

(ii)    User is not given any kind of permission according to which he or she may try to edit, copy, resale, reuse, modify, disseminate, or commercially exploit any such downloads for any kind of reason, or in any way which may not comply to the applicable laws and regulations. User's attention is especially drawn to section 7 of these stated terms and conditions, which they are advised to read carefully before commencing any sort of downloads from this website, or any other associated websites, or servers.


Users share an agreement regarding their use of this website or any other websites associated with VogueTonic or with any of its group of companies or associated servers that they may not:

(a)    Bring in IP addresses or content or try to post, publish, or upload, any sort of viruses, malware, or errors, or try to transmit any sort of software programs or files, which may seem to destroy, limit, or interrupt, the functionality of this website, or of any other websites associated to VogueTonic or with any of its group of companies, or else otherwise with any of its associated servers, or on any other networks that are connected to VogueTonic or any of its servers through another device or computer, or that may include any sort of pyramid selling schemes, junk emails, chain letters, or any sort of bulk emails

(b)    Transmit, post, or else upload any sort of material or content that may tend to avoid any rights, which move without limitation include, any sort of intellectual property rights, of any third party websites, or else otherwise which may seem as unlawful, threatening, abusive, harmful, argumentative, hateful, swimming offensive, whether in terms of religion, sex, or race, or otherwise which may be obscene, indecent, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, invasive, or harassing, of another user’s privacy or include any sort of illegal content or material

(c)    Post, transmit, or otherwise upload any sort of content or material, for any kind of business or commercial purpose, which may without any limitation include, different content formats that may be promotional or advertising

(d)    Transmit, post, or upload any type of content or material which may be repetitive or unnecessary including any type of content, which may tend to repeat any kind of previously transmitted, uploaded, or posted details by you as a user or by any other users, unless it is stated as absolutely necessary

(e)    Upload, transmit, or post any sort of content or material on VogueTonic, or on any other websites that may be associated with our companies and groups, or with any other associated servers, which may seem irrelevant to the subject matter, or to the content

(f)    Transmit, post, or upload any sort of content or material on our official website, on any other website associated with VogueTonic, or with any offered servers, by using an e-mail address that may be a result of a free account service such as Hotmail, Gmail, and Outlook

(g)    Restrict, or in any way inhibit any other user from using the official website of VogueTonic, any of our associated websites, or any other websites associated with our group of companies or with our server

(h)    Try to use this website or any other associated websites or servers in any sort of manner that may seem contrary to the stated terms and conditions, or the terms and laws enforce from time to time

(i)    Register one's self as a member of this website or any other website or server associated with VogueTonic or its group of companies, or else through any forum provided by this website, or try to receive any kind of newsletter, transcript, form, or agreement, or any other services, by using more than one username or account number, without any written consent by the forum moderator or the official website editor

(j)    Try to breach the terms and conditions of any kind of suspension or ban, or else otherwise try to look for any sort of alternative access

Users tend to share their agreement acknowledgment that they will make sure to use a secure password through which they may tend to access the member sections of this website or any other websites associated with VogueTonic or with any of its group of companies or servers. Users further agree to indemnify VogueTonic, or any of its group of companies in full and on demand against any sort of costs, expenses, losses, and damages to which the company may suffer directly or indirectly as a result of their usage of our website, or of any other websites associated to VogueTonic or its group of companies or else otherwise with any of its associated servers, which may be other than according to the stated terms and conditions.