A Guide on How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule


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Entering adulthood means realizing that the mandatory naps of childhood were, in fact, life's most precious gifts (and questioning why we didn't cherish them more). As we grow older, our minds accumulate more responsibilities, stress, and tasks, making a restful night's sleep increasingly elusive. According to the CDC, a staggering one in three adults falls short of the recommended sleep duration.

If this resonates with you, you're not alone. Recognizing the struggle, we consulted sleep experts for their top-notch advice on achieving a rejuvenating night's sleep and reclaiming control over your sleep routine. Keep reading for the key to your best sleep in ages.

Tips To Fix Sleep Schedule

Most of the tips ahead are so common mistakes we make and some common points we have always heard to get enough and better sleep, so let me remind you what to avoid and you should actually do to help yourself sleep well.

Stop Scrolling

The habit of scrolling through your phone before bedtime is a common—and detrimental—one. While the allure of watching a few more TikToks might seem like a harmless way to ease into sleep, experts argue that it achieves the opposite effect. Late-night scrolling not only exposes you to excessive blue light but also stimulates your brain, triggering the release of cortisol precisely when you should be unwinding. Unlike TV, the phone's captivating and dopamine-driven nature makes it a more significant obstacle to a consistent bedtime.

Scrolling In Bed

Fortunately, both iPhone and Android now offer sleep/bedtime modes. The experts strongly advise leveraging these tools and placing your phone out of reach to resist the temptation. Your journey to better sleep begins by recognizing the need to break free from this sleep-disrupting habit.

Consistency Is Key

Sleeping in Bed

For an enhanced sleep schedule and overall sleep quality, establish a consistent routine. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps maintain your circadian rhythm, promoting better sleep. Aim for regular sleep and wake times seven days a week, avoiding the temptation to compensate for a poor night's sleep by sleeping excessively or going to bed too early the next night.

Make Your Room For Sleeping Only

Ensuring a consistent bedtime and waking up refreshed is remarkably simple—reserve your bed exclusively for sleep. Avoid working, scrolling through your phone, or engaging in other activities in your bedroom. Even in a studio, consider creating a dedicated work area, preserving the bed for relaxation.

Make Your Bed For Sleeping Only

Transform your bedroom into an ideal sleep sanctuary—quiet, dark, cool, and comfortable with top-notch sheets like those from ettitude bedding. This practice, known as stimulus control in sleep science, recognizes humans as creatures of habit. When we work or engage in stimulating activities in the bedroom, it transforms from a haven of tranquility to a hub of activity.

Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol At Night


Here's a straightforward tip from the experts: limit alcohol consumption within three hours of bedtime and cut off caffeine intake eight hours before bed—yes, that includes resisting that enticing 3 PM cup of coffee.

Relaxation Methods For Sleep

Relaxation Methods for Sleep

Experts emphasize the importance of winding down before bedtime to help the mind find rest and improve sleep. Research supports this, indicating that practices like bedtime meditation can prevent sleep disturbances and enhance overall sleep quality. Cultivating a sense of calm in mind, body, and soul sets the stage for a relaxed bedtime experience and positive sleep outcomes.


Bed Exercises

Revisit childhood wisdom by incorporating exercise into your routine. Just as parents encouraged expending energy before a nap, adulthood benefits from a more refined approach. Research consistently highlights the positive link between exercise and improved sleep. Feel good, sleep well—it's that straightforward.

Use Zeitgebers

Ever heard of Zeitgeber? It's a term derived from the German words 'zeit,' meaning 'time,' and 'geber,' meaning 'giver.' In the realm of sleep science, it refers to external cues that can anchor your circadian rhythm. Essentially, aligning specific external cues with your goals can either shift or solidify a robust and consistent circadian rhythm. Natural sunlight reigns supreme among Zeitgebers, but meal timing, exercise, socializing, and intense work sessions also play roles.

For instance, if you aspire to embrace mornings more, catching early sunlight can facilitate this transition. Morning enthusiasts thrive by expending and replenishing energy in the morning, while night owls find their peak in the evening. Striking a balanced routine is crucial for success. While the allure of being a morning person is popular (thanks, TikTok), if the pressure becomes overwhelming, it's okay to hit the reset button and set new, achievable goals. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

See A Somnologist

When all else fails, the experts advise seeking the guidance of a somnologist or sleep specialist. Recognizing that each person is unique, these professionals can delve into the root of the issue and tailor solutions to your specific needs. After all, a personalized approach often leads to the most effective results.


While there are a whole lot of methods to get rid of your no-sleep habits, these are expertly recommended and highly effective and easily done by anyone. While not everything suits everybody but these tips are for all, anyone can opt for these to smooth their sleeping process.


Leo Collins is a lifestyle writer who specializes in a wide range of topics, including home decor style and various lifestyle categories. With a passion for creating inspiring living spaces and a keen interest in diverse aspects of life, Leo shares insights and tips to help readers embrace a well-rounded lifestyle. From interior design ideas to wellness practices, Leo's writings offer a holistic approach to enhancing everyday living.