Most Spiritual Places In The World To Visit For Inner Peace


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Places are not spiritual in nature. Rather, they become so when we encounter them and feel a genuine connection to something greater than ourselves, which can inspire feelings of wonder and acceptance, awe, or healing. We can go on a spiritual journey no matter where we travel or how we get there—whether it's the picturesque cliffs of Ireland or a shopping center in Finland, a cemetery or a turtle reserve.

8 Most Spiritual Places Around The World

Here are some destinations for exploring your own liminal spaces—those areas that exist between heaven and earth and hold important, ordinary, and sacred experiences.

Sri Lanka

Spiritual Places In Siri Lanka

The pilgrim trail leads up to the 2,244-meter mountain through tea plantations, shrines, steep steps, tall drops and a forest teeming with wildlife. Ascend, offer offerings to both devotees and view the magnificent mountains spread below. Perched atop a pyramid in the middle of tea country sits a lump of jagged rock known as Sripada, or "Holy Footprint." Devotees of many religions climb arduously to worship this sacred heel, which, depending on your faith, may be the symbol of Buddha, Shiva, Adam, or St. Thomas.


Spiritual Places In Bhutan

The "Tiger's Nest" is situated on the edge of a cliff at an altitude of 3,000 feet above Paro Valley. This sacred Himalayan site has an almost concrete charm due to its unpredictable, unstable architecture. By hiding books and ritual artifacts in the region's caves and lakes, Buddhist guru Padma Sambhava is credited with introducing Buddhism to Tibet and Bhutan in the 9th century. It is supposed to be explored and interpreted by the Turtons, or "discoverers" of the future.


Spiritual Places In Cambodia

The ancient complex of temples known as Angkor Wat is located in northern Cambodia and dates back to the 12th century. Emperor Suryavarman II built Angkor Wat, which translates as "City of Temples" or simply "City Temple". It was converted into a Buddhist temple in the 14th century. The site, spread over 400 acres, is home to numerous important statues and sculptures. Known as the largest religious monument in the world, the temple is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Spiritual Places In Austrailia

Located in the Northern Territory of Australia, Uluru is a massive sandstone formation that is 550 million years old and is also known as Ayers Rock. While it may not be as well known elsewhere in the world, the cultural and spiritual center of Australia is this striking red monolith. Sacred to Indigenous Australians, Uluru sits in the middle of nowhere in the vast desert of central Australia and has long attracted spiritual seekers. Once you arrive, you can immerse yourself in the serenity of nature, witness ancient spiritual rituals, and learn about Indigenous Australian culture.


Spiritual Places In Japan

The Temple Circuit in Japan, often called the 88 Temple Pilgrimage, is a 1,200 km circuit that circles the island of Shikoku, which translates to "Four Provinces".
Traveling through these four provinces and visiting all 88 official Buddhist temples on the circuit is considered by pilgrims to be the path to enlightenment. Temples 1 to 23 indicate awakening, 24 to 39 austerity and discipline, 40 to 65 enlightenment, and 66 to 88 Nirvana.

Every year, around 10,000 pilgrims visit the circuit and temples by tour bus or on foot. Originally a Buddhist project, the circuit has now been completed for both spiritual and religious purposes apart from tourists.


Spiritual Places In Indonesia

Located in Central Java, it is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Borobudur houses over 500 Buddha statues and over 2,000 relief panels. By engaging a guide, you can embark on a pilgrimage and metaphorically perform the act of worship. This is a fantastic way to discover more about the temple's spiritual past. Symbolically make your way to the top of the three layers. The base of the pyramid of Kamadhatu, also known as the domain of desire, is where you should start. Enter the Rupadhatu, the circle of forms, represented by circular platforms rising above the base of the shrine. In the world of the formless, Arupdhatu, reach the pinnacle of your spiritual quest.

Saudi Arabia

Spiritual Places In Saudi Arabia

The birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad, where he first heard the word of God and revealed his mission, is the center of the Islamic world. Muslims look at him with such reverence that wherever they are in the world they turn to him in prayer. Furthermore, if their physical and financial conditions permit, it is a duty of their faith to perform the annual Hajj, which occurs in the last month of the Islamic lunar calendar, at least once in their lifetime. Although pilgrims from all over the world travel throughout the year, a million or more people land this month.


Spiritual Places In Canada

Located in the Canadian Rockies, Banff National Park is a paradise of vast forests, glacial lakes and towering mountains. Banff is revered not only for its picturesque scenery, but also for its deep spiritual significance, providing a haven where one can connect with the majesty of the natural world.

Visitors often speak of feeling an overwhelming sense of awe and calm in the Banff wilderness. The sheer grandeur of his landscapes is humbling, and their serenity allows for meditation. The park's natural splendor serves as a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the complex fabric of life.


Spiritual destinations are great places for people to relax, connect with nature and their inner selves, and take a break from their daily lives. We hope you liked our list for spiritual places in the world, and soon you’ll plan visit there.

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